Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Who IS Coach Bennett?

Always the coach. I think I've always been THE coach/teacher/welcome committee. My kindergarten teacher told my parents that I was either going to be a teacher or a social worker. I was doomed (I say that with a smile on my face). I denied my calling for so long...and worked my way back to my...calling. I believe my calling is more "influence" than teaching, and coaching really satisfies the "influence" aspect. I don't know if I could teach/coach younger kids or older adults, but 12th grade is ideal (for now). Ask me again after I start my administrative classes in January? I'll be working towards another Masters and most likely another stage in my career. I'm so thankful for my career and the inspiration my parents have given me to continue my education.

Not sure what these blogs are all about...I'm just going to use it as a sounding brain drain, etc.